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Founded formally in the year of 1999, by professionals of the areas of Music, Theater, Cultural Production, Social Services; The Trupe Association has as main characteristic, within its line of action: The maintenance and diffusion of the northern mining culture, ideal this, that during its 19 years of existence, have been consolidating through numerous socio-cultural actions promoted by this entity , Carried out by means of formative activities, by the promotion of a broad reflection and identity mobilization, and also by the artistic-cultural collaboration between the present institution and the cultural movements existing in the north of the state of Minas Gerais. In August 2013 its headquarters was founded; Contendas Culture House, offering since then,
Inúmeros eventos promovidos ao longo do ano compõem o calendário artístico-cultural do município. Para cumprir nossos valores, missão e visão, necessitamos do apoio da sociedade civil e da iniciativa privada para promover a democratização do acesso aos instrumentos culturais. Acreditamos que, com tais ações, podemos construir um mundo mais consciente e sensível, graças ao poder transformador da arte.
Portanto, precisamos do engajamento de todos os segmentos da sociedade para que esta iniciativa bem-sucedida continue a prosperar.
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