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Founded formally in the year of 1999, by professionals of the areas of Music, Theater, Cultural Production, Social Services; The Trupe Association has as main characteristic, within its line of action: The maintenance and diffusion of the northern mining culture, ideal this, that during its 19 years of existence, have been consolidating through numerous socio-cultural actions promoted by this entity , Carried out by means of formative activities, by the promotion of a broad reflection and identity mobilization, and also by the artistic-cultural collaboration between the present institution and the cultural movements existing in the north of the state of Minas Gerais. In August 2013 its headquarters was founded; Contendas Culture House, offering since then,

free of charge to the municipality and adjacent a series of actions of enjoyment and cultural appreciation; Artistic and language courses (Spanish, French and English), events of the most diverse artistic-cultural events are some of these actions. With a public of just over 500 students enrolled in the present time, it was certified in the year of 2016 as a Culture Point recognized by the Ministry of Culture - MINC, through the Secretariat of Citizenship and Cultural Diversity, based on the criteria established in the Culture Law Viva (13.018 / 2014), Agent: 779. This is to develop and articulate cultural activities in the community, and contribute to the access, protection and promotion of the rights of citizenship and cultural diversity in Brazil.

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Brasília de Minas/MG, Brazil
Luislândia/MG, Brazil
São Francisco/MG, Brazil
Januária/MG, Brazil


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